Przykład maila - wersja angielska

1 min. czytania

Dear Sir/Madam,

As you are most certainly aware, on the 4th of July, in its plenary session, the European Parliament will vote on ACTA. Therefore, once again we call for definite rejection of this agreement because of serious threats to fundamental rights of European citizens associated with ACTA. I hope that your opinion has already been settled in favour of citizens’ rights and against this oppressive agreement. Nevertheless, please allow me to reinstate the position, shared by Internet users across Europe, one last time.  

We urge you not only to reject ACTA but also NOT to delay the final vote on this issue until the European Court of Justice gives its opinion. European citizens who follow ACTA debate are convinced that every vote in favour of the postponing of the final decision, every abstention from voting and every absence should be understood as a vote in favour of ACTA.  

As it was envisaged by Europe-wide protests, your decision on ACTA will be interpreted broadly: as a general stance on Internet freedom. As European citizens we hope that on the 4th of July you will stand up in defence of our fundamental rights in online environment.

With kind regards,


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